确实如你所说德黑兰伊斯法罕设拉子都是得在行程里面的。就只有卡尚和亚兹德了。这两个地方我都没去过,但是我的朋友们都对亚兹德比较推荐。我个人也是很想去,结果时间不够放弃了。 我觉得亚兹德很能代表伊朗的。LP上的这段话太有感觉了“It's a place to wander and get lost in the maze of historic streets and lanes, gem of winding lanes, blue-tiled domes, soaring minarets, covered bazaars, and fine old courtyard homes topped by windtowers and watered underground channels "
我觉得亚兹德很能代表伊朗的。LP上的这段话太有感觉了“It's a place to wander and get lost in the maze of historic streets and lanes,
gem of winding lanes, blue-tiled domes, soaring minarets, covered
bazaars, and fine old courtyard homes topped by windtowers and watered
underground channels "