你去日内瓦机场的官网,找到机场的平面图找一下就好啦~ http://www.gva.ch/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-60/网页下面还有关于法国入境的介绍。 ACCESS TO THE FRENCH SECTOR: ARRIVING PASSENGERSFrom an international flight (except France) On leaving the plane, follow the usual passenger route.Collect baggage from the baggage carousel.Go through Swiss customs. Go up to the Check-in level.On the Check-in level, follow the "destination France" signs.
ACCESS TO THE FRENCH SECTOR: ARRIVING PASSENGERSFrom an international flight (except France)
On leaving the plane, follow the usual passenger route.Collect baggage from the baggage carousel.Go through Swiss customs. Go up to the Check-in level.On the Check-in level, follow the "destination France" signs.