As the goods are listed in Schedule 4 of the Poisons Standard (Prescription only), the importer must have a prescription from a medical practitioner registered in the relevant state or territory (unless the importer carries the goods as a passenger on a ship or plane)(17). 飞机上带来是可以的 The quantity imported in one importation must not be more than threemonths’ supply at the maximum dose recommended by the manufacturer. 一次不超过三个月的用量 The total quantity of the goods imported in a 12 month period must notexceed 15 months’ supply (18, 19). 一年来澳洲不超过十五个月用量
另外烟草的规定不知道适不适用 If you’re aged 18 or older, you can bring in duty-free: up to 50 cigarettes, or 50 grams of tobacco products plus one open packet of cigarettes with 25 or less cigarettes in it. You can bring in up to 1.5 kilograms of smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco or snuff) for personal use, but you will have to pay duty on it (only 50 grams is allowed duty-free).
As the goods are listed in Schedule 4 of the Poisons Standard (Prescription
only), the importer must have a prescription from a medical practitioner
registered in the relevant state or territory (unless the importer carries the
goods as a passenger on a ship or plane)(17).
The quantity imported in one importation must not be more than threemonths’ supply at the maximum dose recommended by the manufacturer.
The total quantity of the goods imported in a 12 month period must notexceed 15 months’ supply (18, 19).
If you’re aged 18 or older, you can bring in duty-free:
up to 50 cigarettes, or
50 grams of tobacco products
plus one open packet of cigarettes with 25 or less cigarettes in it.
You can bring in up to 1.5 kilograms of smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco or snuff) for personal use, but you will have to pay duty on it (only 50 grams is allowed duty-free).