In order for us to return the item to you, we seek your kind cooperation to make a report at the nearest Airlines office and request for their representative at klia2 to claim the item from our Lost and Found office. After the item
has been handed over to the airline’s representative, they will be able to send it back to you through their mishandled load office (MLO) or lost and found office. You can claim the item from the airline office at your nearest airport.
In the meantime, shall there be any inquiries, please feel free to contact us as per below
klia2工作人员告诉我说 可以让最近去吉隆坡的朋友帮我取回 最近有到klia机场的朋友吗?希望能帮我去一下手机 到时候回国快递到付给我,谢谢了