CDG 自助退税的手册和疑问
前几天回来的时候,Check in 之前在CDG办理退税到信用卡,退税柜台的人让我用自助机器办理。当时按照她说的做了,我在蓝色机器上,扫描后显示已经成功,祝旅途愉快。然后就把信封投进了邮箱。回来看看论坛,疑问很多。 附件是我从网上找到的自助退税手册,好像流程也不一样。
1. 自助退税,到底是需要扫描一次还是两次?要不要盖章?手册里提到扫描两次,但是没有提到要盖章。
2. 我是在Check in 之前扫描的,但是蓝色自助机器显示的提示是已经成功,祝旅途愉快。也就是附件里Check in 之后红色机器应该显示的。是不是这两步合并成一步了?之所以这样想,是因为我的同事是拿现金的,在Check In 之前就拿到了。另外,没有印象见到过红色的退税机。
3. 如果漏掉了第二次扫描,有什么办法补救么?
因为我当时有三分退税单,两份是用信用卡做担保,然后在购物的地方已经直接退了现金的,一份是在机场退现金的,所以就拿了三份退税单到领取现金的窗口,那里有tax refund的工作人员,她说我只要确认机器扫描成功的话,就把两份退信用卡的单子扔进旁边的信箱就可以了,这样就是直接邮寄到tax free的office了。那份当场领取现金的我就在窗口直接排队拿钱了。
回家后大概两周的时候,我的信用卡有扣款,一问才知道说是taxfree office扣的,于是写邮件给,问怎么回事,回复很快,说我有一份退税单没有海关盖章,我说是自助机器扫描的,他们说这说明没有扫描成功,我也没有办法,因为两份单子肯定都扫描成功,但是机器没有给任何凭证,说也没用。他们告诉我申诉流程如下:
If your form has not been stamped by the Customs, you may ask for regularization. However, you must be able to prove that you are not responsible for this.
It is important to note that the procedure hereafter is very strict and only accepted by the Customs if there is a genuine reason: “lack of time” will not be accepted.注意时间不够是不能接受的理由
In order to obtain the regularization, you must send your request to the Direction Générale des Douanes (see address below).
You must indicate:
• the reasons that prevented you from completing the Customs export procedure at the time of your departure;为什么没有再海关盖章,我写的理由是我扫描了太多份,可能其中一份夹带了,没有扫到
• the name of the office at your exit point and the date of your departure from the EU. 就是法国戴高乐机场
You should enclose the following with your application:
• any official document proving that your usual place of residence is outside the EU and showing that you were in France for a period of less than six months (copy of your passport, ID papers, consular card, residency permit etc.);
• proof of export of the goods (validation or receipt from the Customs department in your country, attestation from the French diplomatic or consular authorities in your country of residence specifying that the goods were presented to them);这个要到法国驻上海领事馆(我是上海的)取预约出证明
• original form from the set of original sales forms;
• copy of your travel documents.
Once again, we must insist that you must have a valid reason. Moreover, you must send all the requested information above if you want your form to be regularized.
Your request must be sent to:这个是法国海关office的地址
Direction Générale des Douanes et Droits Indirects
Bureau F/1
11 rue des Deux Communes
Kindly note that the form with supplementary stamp must be delivered to Global Blue within 6 months from the issuing date.