怎么会是单次往返的爱尔兰签证, 关于在英国转机的问题 you have an Irish biometric visa and an onward flight ticket to the Republic of Ireland。 you’re travelling from the Republic of Ireland and it’s less than 3 months since you were last given permission, on the basis of holding a valid Irish biometric visa, to land or be in Ireland 你如果是单次的话,你从爱尔兰飞出的时候,你的签证已经失效了。按我的理解,基于你单次签证的话,你如果去爱尔兰的时候在英国转机,回来得从申根转机了。 另外你不能利用去程的时候进英国玩几天,因为那时候你进英国是利用爱尔兰签证免过境签(这个免过境签的条件是必须入境英国当天要坐飞机走人You might be eligible for ‘transit without visa’ if:you arrive and depart by air,have a confirmed onward flight that leaves on the day you arrive or before midnight on the day after you arrive )
you have an Irish biometric visa and an onward flight ticket to the Republic of Ireland。
you’re travelling from the Republic of Ireland and it’s less than 3 months since you were last given permission, on the basis of holding a valid Irish biometric visa, to land or be in Ireland
另外你不能利用去程的时候进英国玩几天,因为那时候你进英国是利用爱尔兰签证免过境签(这个免过境签的条件是必须入境英国当天要坐飞机走人You might be eligible for ‘transit without visa’ if:you arrive and depart by air,have a confirmed onward flight that leaves on the day you arrive or before midnight on the day after you arrive