有美签哥伦比亚免签,有朋友今年二月从中国出发经停美国后成功入境哥伦比亚。可参考以下信息https://www.klm.com/travel/cn_cn/prepare_for_travel/travel_planning/travel_clinic/timatic.htmVisa required, except for Passengers with a Hong Kong (SAR China) passport for a maximum stay of 180 days. Visa required, except for Nationals of China (People's Rep.)
with a normal passport and a "C" or "D" visa issued by a Schengen Member State For details, click here valid for a minimum of 180 days from the arrival date. Visa required, except for Nationals of China (People's Rep.)
with a normal passport and a visa issued by the USA valid for a minimum of 180 days from the arrival date. This does not apply to ''C1'' visas. They are visa exempt for a maximum stay of 90 days. Visa Issuance: - E-visas can be applied for at www.cancilleria.gov.co. Visitors must hold a printed copy of the e-visa.
China) passport for a maximum stay of 180 days.
Visa required, except for Nationals of China (People's Rep.)
with a normal passport and a "C" or "D" visa issued by a
Schengen Member State For details, click here valid for a minimum of 180
days from the arrival date.
Visa required, except for Nationals of China (People's Rep.)
with a normal passport and a visa issued by the USA valid for
a minimum of 180 days from the arrival date. This does not
apply to ''C1'' visas. They are visa exempt for a maximum stay
of 90 days.
Visa Issuance:
- E-visas can be applied for at
www.cancilleria.gov.co. Visitors must hold a printed
copy of the e-visa.