亲身经历,绝对是12岁以下免落地签费用,免吴哥窟门票的40美金费用,出门把护照带好,遇上工作人员给看护照不到12岁不用买门票的。12岁以下不能上小吴哥的塔,下面有工作人员拦着。另外落地签海关很黑,会问你要小孩的费用,坚持“children is free” 最多给他准备一人一美金的小费,我当时是连一美金的小费也不愿意给,所以那个海关就找我事说我落地签表格填写不正确,其实就是全部大写就对,我有些小写了,我就全部又重新填写了一遍。如果怕被刁难,准备一美金给他,但是千万别傻乎乎的交30美金的落地签费用,那些海关专门拣中国人欺负,坚决不理他。
https://www.evisa.gov.kh/?lang=ChiS My children is above 12 years old but still travel with parent's passport, do they need a Visa? Yes. All children above 12 years old requires a Visa, no matter with parent's passport or with their own passport.
My children is above 12 years old but still travel with parent's passport, do they need a Visa?
Yes. All children above 12 years old requires a Visa, no matter with parent's passport or with their own passport.