急急急 关于亚航余额付款的问题
楼主之前买的机票退款到亚航余额里面了,,还没有过期 现在要买机票 付款的时候选择余额支付 但是一直不成功 老是显示下面的页面 但是 完全是按照客服的步骤一步一步来的 还说多试几次就可以 是服务器的原因 可是楼主已经试了几个小时了啊 崩溃 有人遇到这样的问题吗 怎么解决啊
Case Number: GAFRUWHK3N
[5140:PaymentValidationError] An unknown error has occured with the form of payment you have chosen. You have not been charged, but due to system failure we cannot accept this form of payment at this time. Please try another form of payment or try again at a later time.