法国la vall?e village http://www.lavalleevillage.com/lavallee/home.asp?lan=en 在巴黎迪斯尼周边的val d''europe有一个极具特色的买买商城,那里有着众多的名牌专卖店,始终保持着低于市场的价格,虽然离巴黎有50公里,但是你绝对有必要去逛逛,相信你一定不会空手而归的.rer a4 线 val d''europe高速公路:a4高速公路,迪斯尼乐园出口,再val d''europe方向la vall?e village位置在:at only 30 minutes from the heart of paris, and 5 minutes from disney parks, la vall?e village is ideally located off the a4 motorway / val d’europe marne-la-vall?e exit.法国mcarthurglen http://www.mcarthurglen.fr/destockage-en/troyes/troyes.php by trainfrom paris est train station, in troyes train station : 巴士 n?1 pont sainte marie (magasins)