I wish to advise you that the application for this visa has been refused for the following applicant:
After careful consideration of all the information you have provided,i was not satisfied that you met the relevant criteria for the grant of this visa as set out in Australian migration law.
Because XXXXX did not satisfy Subclause 676.221(2)(a) of the Migration Regulations 1994(the Regulations),which reads that applicant satisfies the Minister that the applicant's expressed intention to only visit Australia is genuine.
While you have provided personal funds evidence, I do not consider it is sufficient to demonstrate that you are a genuine visitor with a commitment to abide by all of the conditions imposed on your visa and for you to return to China.
You are of working age.I consider that your employment circumstances do not constitute strong incentive to ensure that you will comply with visa conditions in Australia.
Based on the evidence supplied in your visa application, you have previously travelled to very limited number of countries outside of China and you have been to a limited number of countries considered to have a strong incentive to remain and overstay you visa,as such I do not consider that you have demonstrated through your international travel and immigration record that you intend a genuine visit only to Australia on this occasion and that you have a commitment to abide by the conditions of your visa and to depart Australia within visa validity.
The limited level of your close personal China is such that I consider there is little incentive for you to return to China.
As a result of the above.I cannot be satisfied that a genuine visit is intended.
As you do not meet all the requirements for grant of the visa,the visa is refused.
I have not assessed any other requirements for this visa.
1. 整理你的资金证明,最好能证明你是有足够的资历去他们那里旅行的,而且把旅行当成生活的一部分,想想怎么解释给大使馆。
2. 关于你的工作,提供你所有的工作经历,说的越天花烂坠越好,但是一定得说这行业是在中国特有发展,坚定地认为只有旅行回来才是硬道理。
3. 楼主,冒昧地问一下,您的英文如何?因为如果你英文不好,去自由行又是个英文国家,相信是要扣分的。所以,一定得把回信写的特官方!