"免费的班车不能条上跳下, 走一圈2个小时. 后来我们就没有坐,mrt到了cityhall但是一大早的clark query没有神马, 旁边的fort canning park free of charge but you need to climb the hill a bit, we passed by the civil defence hall and then hailed a 出租车 to merlion park.s$3.8 if subway around 1.2 perperson my parents did enjoy the ""bundview"",merlion and esplande. btw, the crabs and prawn of nearby ""palmbeach"" is really delioucs/rmb400 for 2 course plus two noodles and beverage. 吹吹海风,在小鱼尾狮下吃黑胡椒螃蟹舒服哉!since we have just been here 2 months ago, not visited orchard and orchard garden this time.有一点遗憾的是, 这次没有座sq hop on 公交, which is s$3 per person hop on anytime