如果你没买到早晨7点的票,18点多回有点儿紧...另外,你再查查,应该更晚还有一班车,从弗拉基米尔会莫斯科。莫斯科地铁不是24小时的:The Metro starts work at 06.00 a.m., but stations open at 05.30-05.40 a.m. At 01.00 a.m. the entrances close and passengers must complete their transfers. Last train leaves also at 01.03 a.m.
如果你没买到早晨7点的票,18点多回有点儿紧...另外,你再查查,应该更晚还有一班车,从弗拉基米尔会莫斯科。莫斯科地铁不是24小时的:The Metro starts work at 06.00 a.m., but stations open at 05.30-05.40 a.m. At 01.00 a.m. the entrances close and passengers must complete their transfers. Last train leaves also at 01.03 a.m.