Day 8 爆胎后第二天电话轰炸租车公司,他们就给你送了俩轮胎呀?没有给新车?然后自己换的轮胎吗?关于轮胎是否符合要求,在考驾照里有专门的题目的:h...
Day 8 爆胎后第二天电话轰炸租车公司,他们就给你送了俩轮胎呀?没有给新车?然后自己换的轮胎吗?关于轮胎是否符合要求,在考驾照里有专门的题目的: 这个网站上有配图4. Tell me how you would check the tyres to ensure that they have sufficient tread depth and that their general condition is safe to use on the road.No cuts or bulges, 1.6mm of tread depth across the central ¾ of the breadth of the tyre and around the entire outer circumference.