- continuing to a third country by same or first connecting aircraft within 8 hours; and
- holding ticket with reserved seat and required documents for onward journey; and
- not leaving transit lounge.
If transit time exceeds 8 hours and passenger wants to leave the airport, a pre-arranged STPC (24 hour) visa issued by the airline is required, which will be subject to immigration approval. However, this facility is not available to holders of Temporary oe Emergency Passports.
Visa required, except for Holders of onward tickets for a max.
transit For details, click here time of 24 hours.
- Holders of a prearranged Stopover Paid by Carrier (STPC)
issued to those in transit for a period that exceeds 8 hours
but shorter than 24 hours, provided holding passports valid
for at least 3 months are permitted to leave the transit
area, subject to approval from immigration.
- continuing to a third country by same or first connecting aircraft within 8 hours; and
- holding ticket with reserved seat and required documents for onward journey; and
- not leaving transit lounge.
If transit time exceeds 8 hours and passenger wants to leave the airport, a pre-arranged STPC (24 hour) visa issued by the airline is required, which will be subject to immigration approval. However, this facility is not available to holders of Temporary oe Emergency Passports.
本篇文章来源于博雅旅游网(cn.bytravel.cn) 转载请以链接形式注明出处 网址:http://as.bytravel.cn/art/lgd/lgdhgsktehk/
上线了跟我联系我 我也正纠结多哈长时间经停的问题呢 机票都订好了,卡航说没住宿 不能出机场
这种地方都属于到此一游 顺道转转的