房间很洁净 有热水 开小一点水更热些 估计功率比较小 地段出色 接近考山 酒店隔壁就是一个船码头还有一家711 酒店对面有家早饭馆也出色 酒店工作人员很友好 挺出色 location and nice 工作人员 the room is also very clean near the hotel there is a supermarket 7-11 and a boat station
房间很干净 有热水 开小一点水更热些 估计功率比较小 交通位置优秀 接近考山 酒店隔壁就是一个船码头还有一家711 酒店对面有家早饭馆也优秀 酒店店员很友好 挺优秀 location and nice 店员 the room is also very clean near the hotel there is a supermarket 7-11 and a boat station
房间有很大的霉味;12点之前会吵;逛街远 the room smells bad every time i enter it; its noisy before 12pm; far away from shopping malls.离考山路和13号码头很很近,适合去各景点和喜欢夜生活的人; close to khaosha road and the deck
Villa Cha-Cha Phraathit别墅酒店提供24小时前台、票务服务和客房服务,以方便客人。
该区域附近的当地景点包括萨南銮(Sanam Luang)(560米)、卧佛寺(Wat Pho)(1.8公里)和维曼默宫(Vimanmek Mansion)(2.37公里)。酒店距离素万那普机场(Suvarnabhumi Airport)不到29公里。
地段出色 接近考山
酒店隔壁就是一个船码头还有一家711 酒店对面有家早饭馆也出色
挺出色 location and nice 工作人员
the room is also very clean
near the hotel there is a supermarket 7-11 and a boat station
交通位置优秀 接近考山
酒店隔壁就是一个船码头还有一家711 酒店对面有家早饭馆也优秀
挺优秀 location and nice 店员
the room is also very clean
near the hotel there is a supermarket 7-11 and a boat station
the room smells bad every time i enter it; its noisy before 12pm; far away from shopping malls.离考山路和13号码头很很近,适合去各景点和喜欢夜生活的人;
close to khaosha road and the deck