看了网上一篇“ 去卢森游美军公墓”文章很感动,为了让孩子知道真正的烈士陵园是啥样的去了, 很震撼, 有一种说不出的高贵.. 很容易找到巴顿将军的墓, 一个和士兵躺在远离家乡的将军. 参观人中有举家前往的美国人, 有做调查研究的欧洲人. 园区提供中文的介绍资料, 若有纪念馆更好. 孩子用中文写下到此一游, 我用英文写下" we are here to pay respect to real heros". 中国游客不止是巴黎香街上吵闹购买奢侈品的暴发户, 或者欺压导游的贪官污吏公务团, 还有我们这样尊重别国文化寻求精神家园的中产精英。
那一年,我没有时间去看这个墓地了。今年,我去了法国诺曼底,参观了位于巴约的奥马哈美军公墓。很震撼的!The Second World War Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial is located within the city limits of Luxembourg at Hamm. This cemetery is the final resting place of 5,076 American military dead, including General George S. Patton. There is also a memorial to 371 Americans whose remains were never recovered or identified.