Hayman Island 西北部的blue pearl bay是潜水的好地方。这里水流平缓,游客稀少,有大量鱼群,很多水域的珊瑚距水面很近,无需下潜只要浮潜便可清晰观看。上午阳光照射下,水下珊瑚五彩斑斓,鱼儿成群结队穿梭其中,非常美丽。更有鲨鱼(reef shark)时而出没,鲨鱼大多时候在较深水下活动,运气好且留心追踪还能跟着鲨鱼游到浅水处(图4),和鲨鱼在珊瑚丛中共泳的感觉很难忘。除了潜水,在温暖平静的海水中游泳也是种享受,海水清澈透明,在海中游过只感觉被温润的海水包裹,十分惬意。
The Sun Goddess awaits: my transport to Hayman Island is a gleaming white launch awash with sparkling wine. The smooth journey from Great Barrier Reef Airport on Hamilton Island to Hayman takes an hour, which is long enough to nibble at a plate of canapes and toast the journey with flutes of sparkling wine from the Hunter Valley's Bimbadgen Estate.