圣特雷莎(1515-1582)是基督教赤足卡门教派的创始人,最伟大的基督教神学家之一。修道院建在圣特雷莎故居原址上,由巴洛克和新古典主义风格的教堂、果园和博物馆组成。阿维拉是赤足加尔默罗会Carmelitas Descalzas的创立者圣女特雷莎Santa Teresa de Jesus的诞生地。修道院位于南侧城墙内,她出生的房间现改为巴洛克式礼拜堂。 化身修道院Convento de la Encarnacion位于城墙北侧约400公尺处,特雷莎十八岁成为修女后,便一直待在这个修道院长达三十年。
作为古城内重要的宗教建筑,圣特雷莎修道院(Convento de Santa Teresa)的门前参观者和前来朝圣的教徒永远络绎不绝。修道院建在南侧城墙边圣特蕾莎家的旧址上,与这座巴洛克和新古典主义修道院连成一片的是遗物陈列室、博物馆和果园建筑群。修道院内设有以圣女为原型的华丽的巴洛克式雕像和祭坛壁画。
I was very excited to see the birthplace of St. Teresa and was happy that the Convent was our first stop. However, the museum is small, you cannot take pictures and did I mention it was small. The relics they have are nice though not all are St. Teresa's. The church next door is not always open, but we lucked out and were able to go in very quickly during Mass.