素可泰也么有火车。大巴的话我刚好走过这条线路。但是很不幸地忘记了,可以提供你我前期搜索的资料。以及当时我住的hostel的老板给我关于这条线路的回复作为参考。I am not sure the earliest bus from Chiang Mai, but I think it will be similar to those from Sukhothai to Chiang Mai. Normally the bus starts sometimes after 7 am and runs all day.For the bus from Sukhothai to Bangkok, there are overnight buses starting from 9 pm until 10.40 pm。我当时为了省钱从素可泰到曼谷坐的是夜车,Sukhothai-Bangkok 291B 6-7 H 8am-11pm每半小时一班,清迈-素可泰 汽车5.5H。其实不用太担心,去到再打听也可以,大概知道耗时多久,预留出来给自己安排就而已了。住你顺利。素可泰的YHA是我住过的最棒的YHA,非常非常nice和traditional,值得一试。
similar to those from Sukhothai to Chiang Mai. Normally the bus starts sometimes after 7 am and runs all day.For the bus from Sukhothai to Bangkok, there are
overnight buses starting from 9 pm until 10.40
pm。我当时为了省钱从素可泰到曼谷坐的是夜车,Sukhothai-Bangkok 291B 6-7 H 8am-11pm每半小时一班,清迈-素可泰 汽车5.5H。其实不用太担心,去到再打听也可以,大概知道耗时多久,预留出来给自己安排就而已了。住你顺利。素可泰的YHA是我住过的最棒的YHA,非常非常nice和traditional,值得一试。