德国的驾照问题可以参考德国政府官网的说明http://www.bmvi.de/SharedDocs/EN/Articles/LA/validity-foreign-driving-licences-in-germany.html 如果是香港驾照就不需要翻译。租租车那个可以租到车,但和合法驾驶是两个层面的问题,是不合法的翻译件。德国没有放宽要求。 “German translations may be prepared by, inter alia, German motoring organizations or internationally recognized motoring organizations in the state that issued the driving licence, official agencies of the state that issued the driving licence and court-appointed and certified interpreters and translators.”
“German translations may be prepared by, inter alia, German motoring organizations or internationally recognized motoring organizations in the state that issued the driving licence, official agencies of the state that issued the driving licence and court-appointed and certified interpreters and translators.”