I booked your airline xxx(航班号)on 5 Apr.2017 from xx(起飞地)to xxx(降落地),Booking number is xxx(预订编号),my name is xxx (姓名). After Booking, I found the birthday information is wrong, it should be xxxxx(正确的生日), not xxxx(以前提供的生日) i provided before. I hope you can help me revise this mistake. any further information please let me know. thanks very much!
I booked your airline xxx(航班号)on 5 Apr.2017 from xx(起飞地)to xxx(降落地),Booking number is xxx(预订编号),my name is xxx (姓名). After Booking, I found the birthday information is wrong, it should be xxxxx(正确的生日), not xxxx(以前提供的生日) i provided before.
I hope you can help me revise this mistake. any further information please let me know. thanks very much!
best regards,