本人是主申请人, 配偶和小孩是附属申请人, 在文件上传步骤处的最下方, 有要求填写 "此申请中18岁以上的附属申请人填写完整的访问
签证申请表(INZ 1224)"
这个表格正面没有要填写勾选的地方, 反面属于 Section A 的则有: "I also authorise NAME OF PERSON of NAME OF ORGANISATION, IF APPLICABLE
to submit my application online (complete only if your application will be submitted by a person not included in
the application). "
然后: "I agree with the declaration
Signature of principal applicant
Signature of partner (if applicable)"
这个地方 Signature of principal 是填我自己 (主申请人) 的名字还是配偶的呢? 这里的签名是中文还是英文呢?
然后 Section B 需要填写吗?