官网说不可以戴帽子、赤脚、穿露肩大露背。但气候原因,巴塞罗那大部分游客都穿得很随意,女游客无袖也比较常见。 加之教堂还没建好,理论上不算是教堂,只是景点。 附官网原文: For safety, no hats are allowed inside the nave or the museum except for religious, health or belief-related reasons. Visitors may not enter barefoot.
As it is a Catholic church, visitors must dress appropriately, following these restrictions: No see-through clothing Tops must cover the shoulders No plunging necklines or exposed backs or bellies Shorts and skirts must come down to at least mid-thigh Visitors may not enter in swimwear Visitors will not be allowed to enter with special clothing to celebrate any sort of festivities, nor with any decorations designed to distract or draw attention for artistic, religious, promotional or any other purposes.
For safety, no hats are allowed inside the nave or the museum except for religious, health or belief-related reasons.
Visitors may not enter barefoot.
As it is a Catholic church, visitors must dress appropriately, following these restrictions:
No see-through clothing
Tops must cover the shoulders
No plunging necklines or exposed backs or bellies
Shorts and skirts must come down to at least mid-thigh
Visitors may not enter in swimwear
Visitors will not be allowed to enter with special clothing to celebrate any sort of festivities, nor with any decorations designed to distract or draw attention for artistic, religious, promotional or any other purposes.
1. 看似漫不经心,但却能让人发现不经意中的惊喜。不错过城市中的每一处可爱角落,这就是城市徒步的意义;
2. 国家地理推荐徒步线路,看过高迪几个主要代表作如圣家堂、米拉之家等,更有魅力四射的兰布拉大街,和古朴经典的哥特区,值得一提的是,还有几处小众,但仍然值得观赏的建筑。