后天就出发去巴塞了。刚才在圣家堂网站上购票,http://www.sagradafamilia.cat/sf-eng/?lang=0,一步一步按说明操作。其中提到Middle Name的地方我开始没填,后来过不去,就又写了一遍我的姓(我是二个字的名字)。然后貌似没什么问题了,也填了信用卡的卡号、日期、包括后面那三位小数字。最后提交上去了以后出现一个西语的页面,转成英文后如下:
In the following cases you will need the card with which you have bought the tickets
Collect them at the ServiCaixa terminals of "la Caixa"
You will have them available once the purchase has been made.
We recommend you collect your tickets in advance.
Find the closest ServiCaixa terminal
Remember that the ServiCaixa terminals allow the use of cards issued by other entities
西班牙的那个la Caixa银行的终端机上取票?还是说我得去买?我查到以前有朋友说在这机器上取票的经验的,但是人家是确认购买成功了呀,我现在根本不知道我买成了没有?!