参观Visit问题2-9HK->Auckland->Queenstown7 (land)->10-11 (or12-14)
- 10am, 12noon & 2pm
- Prices from: $68 adult
- 3 hrs 30 mins2-11QueenstownnaMildford Sound (全天)2-12Queenstown->Lake Tekapo7-11 (intercity)蒂卡波湖LakeTekapo畔的好牧羊人教堂眺望庫克山
观星2-13Lake Tekapo –> Mt. Cook
11-1 Valley Track 来回3-4小时
Tasman Glacier(视情况而定)2-14Mt. Cook->Christchurch1->6 (intercity)Mt. Cook 半天车票很贵,从Queenstown到Christchurch的路况如何?如果弯不多的话,可以考虑租车,因为我平常不太常开车2-15Christchurchna国际南极中心(International Antarctic Centre):体验南极暴风雪中心 (半天)
花园游:基督城植物园(Christchurch Botanic Gardens)占地30公顷,位于雅芳河(Avon River)沿岸。2-16Christchurch->Kaikoura7-10(Naked bus $19);
Whale Watch Kaikoura:
-7.15am, 10.00am and 12.45pm, 3.30pm;
- 2.5 hours on the water or 3.5 hours including bus transfer and check-in.
- Adult: $140
Lobster想看12的那场鲸鱼4点多去Blenheim,好像就找不到从Kaikoura到Blenheim的公共交通了(看了naked bus, inter city,tranzscenic train);如果第二天一早走的话,不知道在blenheim是不是够时间玩(主要想骑自行车品酒或者参加Local wine tour)2-17Kaikoura->Blenheim10-12(Naked bus $16) or 9-11(tranzscenic $54)骑自行车Wine tasting2-18Blenheim->Rotorua(morning)7-9(Air NZ $307) 或 10;40-12($270)毛利文化Te Puia (10.15am, 12.15pm 和3.15pm), Wai-O-Tapu Thermol Wonderland (Incl. Champaign Pool), 晚上泡温泉2-19Rotorua->Auckland city11-3 (naked bus)2-20Auckland city-> airport2->Home
1.我们不开车,主要坐Naked bus,但是Naked似乎没有pickup/dropoff服务,有哪家是和Naked价格差不多,还有pickup/dropoff服务的吗?
2.所有的bus, train, ferry我都还没订票,是不是需要提前这么长时间订好呢?
3.day trip都还没订,是不是需要提前订呢?有哪些景点是比较热门的需要提前订的?
4.有没有whale watching和dolphin swimming一起的tour?我没找到,不知道是不是有。当天早上10点左右到Kaikoura,不知道是不是来得及两个都去?
5.Blenheim不打算过夜了,打算叫shuttle bus 5点后接我们去Picton住(bus好像没有这么晚的),找了一家80块,有点贵,不知道有没有更好的推荐
6.Rotorua的Te Puia毛利村白天和晚上的套餐哪个更好呢?Hangi是不是值得一试?晚上的套票是不是还含温泉啊
Date 交通 城际/跨境交通 参观Visit 住宿Stay
2-9 HK->Auckland->Queenstown 10-11, air NZ ($179) "市区
Dinner: 皇后镇Skyliner山顶餐厅" Queenstown Marina Apartments ($565+60 for 3 nights w/ kitchen)
2-10 Queenstown na "Shotover River Rafting - Queenstown Rafting 8.15am & 1.15pm(4.5hours $175 pp)
- 10am, 12noon & 2pm
- Prices from: $68 adult
- 3 hrs 30 mins" Queenstown Marina Apartments ($565+60 for 3 nights w/ kitchen)
2-11 Queenstown na Mildford Sound Day Trip(全天 ,naked bus tour $361 for 3 ppl) Queenstown Marina Apartments ($565+60 for 3 nights w/ kitchen)
2-12 Queenstown->Lake Tekapo 9-1 (naked bus $19) "LakeTekapo畔的好牧羊人教堂眺望庫克山
观星" Tekapo B2 Lakeview Apartment($400 for 2 nights)
2-13 Lake Tekapo <–> Mt. Cook ->Christchurch "8-9
(Cook Connection $ 55 return)
6-9 (Atomic shuttle)" "Hooker Valley Track 来回3-4小时
Tasman Glacier(视情况而定)" YMCA Christchurch ($100 per night, 24 hrs cancellation)
2-14 Christchurch na "国际南极中心(International Antarctic Centre):体验南极暴风雪中心 (半天)、罗托鲁阿工艺屋、基督城艺术中心周末市场
花园游:基督城植物园(Christchurch Botanic Gardens)位于雅芳河(Avon River)沿岸。" YMCA Christchurch ($100 per night, 24 hrs cancellation)
2-15 Christchurch->Kaikoura "7-9(train $75 for 3 ppl)
7-10(naked bus $48 for 3 ppl)" "Whale Watch Kaikoura:
-7.15am, 10.00am and 12.45pm, 3.30pm;
- 2.5 hours on the water or 3.5 hours including bus transfer and check-in.
- Adult: $140
Dolphin swim:
- 5.30am, 8.30am and 12.30pm
- $ 165 swimming; $80 watching" "A Good Stay Holiday Home'
168a Beach Road
New Zealand
Tel: ++ 64 3 319 7116
Text: 0274 767 000
www.driftwoodvilla.co.nz ($130, 7 days cancellation)"
2-16 Kaikoura->Blenheim->;Picton "1)9-11 (train $60 for 3 ppl)
2)shuttle bus pickup ($80 for 3 ppl)" Wine tasting (cycling) Jasmine Court Picton ($200 for 3 ppl)
2-17 Picton->Wellington->Rotorua "1) 6-9 (interisland ferry)
2)6-7(air nz $581.85)" Wellington - sightseeing "Ambass
1101 Hinemaru Street Rotorua
2-18 Rotorua Geyser Link Tours($20 shuttle+$20entry pp) "Morning: Wai-O-Tapu ThermolWonderland Incl. Champaign Pool (Shuttle pickup 8.45am Phone 0800 0004321)
Afternoon+Dinner Puia (day time vs night time?)
温泉" "Ambass
1101 Hinemaru Street Rotorua
2-19 Rotorua->Auckland city 11-3 (naked bus) The Elliott Hotel,15-31 Wellesley Street, 1010, Auckland City New Zealand ($179)
2-20 Auckland city-> airport 2 na