我母亲今年七月份的时候去国外游玩,其间去了老佛爷消费,但是由于她不懂英文事先也没有调查过关于退税的信息,所以买好东西以后都是导游一手包办的。然后八月份的时候,银行发来通知,才发现退税被扣回。可是现在我们手头有的只有购物的发票,还有 两张填写退税的说明。所以我和我母亲都不知道 要怎么办好,求大神指导。
经过与旅行社的调解,我们拿到了退税公司的联系方式,我给他们写了邮件,他们也回复了,但是我实在不懂这些是什么意思= =
any official document proving that your usual place of residence is outside the EU and showing that you were in France for a period of less than six months (copy of your passport, ID papers, consular card, residency permit etc.);
proof of export of the goods (validation or receipt from the Customs department in your country, attestation from the French diplomatic or consular authorities in your country of residence specifying that the goods were presented to them);
original form from the set of original sales forms;
copy of your travel documents.
求人帮助= =