For paying online click on PAYMENTS and enter the reservation code (16 digits) Authorized offices of payment in Perú 1.- Any national Bank (Banco de la Nacion).Hours of availability: Monday to Friday from 8:00 - 17:30 hrs and Saturday from 9:00 - 13:00hrs. You can only pay in cash (Peruvian currency)
2.- In our offices in Cusco located on Av. La Cultura Condomio Huáscar (Huascar Building) No. 238. You can book and pay in cash or with any card Visa. Hours of availability: Monday to Friday 8:00 - 16:00 p.m. and Saturday 8:00 - 12 noon. Close on national holidays.
3.- In Aguas Calientes at the office Centro Cultural Machupicchu located a few steps from the Main Square (Plaza de Aguas Calientes). Hours of availability Monday - Sunday 5:30 - 21:00hrs every day including holidays. You can ONLY pay in cash (Peruvian currency)
SALES OFFICE IN CUSCO Only Visa (Any bank in the World).
1.- The AATC (Association of voyages and travel agencies) located on Calle Nueva Baja N º 424, Cusco - Peru Phone: (084) 22-2580. Hours of availability: Monday to Friday from 9:00 - 16:00hrs.
2.- DIRCETUR (regional direction of trade and tourism) located on Portal de Mantas 117-A, a 50 mts. to the main square (Plaza de Armas) When you have paid the reservation Click on CHECK IN and enter the reservation code and print the tickets.关于境外网上支付: 1、境外网上支付跟国内的网上银行关系不大。但你的卡上外汇额度必须满足支付要求。建议用IE浏览器安全级别调整至“中”或者更低。 2、境外网上支付,需要提供你的卡号/名字/卡片有效期/CVV, 其中CVV是指你卡片背面签名条那里的3个数字请注意保护好这个东西。 3、境外网上支付,部分银行是默认关闭的,可致电发卡银行开通。 4、3D验证限制。还是因为盗刷的普遍,V家和M家搞了一个3D验证系统,其实也就是帮你的信用卡设一个网上消费的密码。这个功能银行是默认关闭的,可致电发卡银行开通。请注意这个功能是否开放还取决于商户,部分商户没有开通3D,就算你开通了也不需要输密码;部分商户强制开通了3D,有人说西班牙铁路的网站,如果你不开通刷卡就无法通过。 5、大部分情况下境外网上支付/3D验证 2项功能是否开通以及你信用卡的品牌是你是否能成功付款的主要原因,跟国内发卡银行毫无关系。 6、卡片地区限制。商户对卡片的发卡地区做了限制,常见的包括法国的idtgv,apple的itunes,这些商户可能不接受某些地区发行的信用卡,对此你毫无办法。 7、实在不行就注册个paypal(外国的支付宝)绑定你的信用卡试试,一般情况下美国和欧洲在线支付paypal都没有问题且很方便。 8、选择用你的双币卡对应的外币付款而不要选择当地货币。即若你的的信用卡是美元-人民币双币卡就选美元,若是欧元-人民币双币卡就选欧元。不要用什么全币种卡!
For paying online click on PAYMENTS and enter the reservation code (16 digits) Authorized offices of payment in Perú
1.- Any national Bank (Banco de la Nacion).Hours of availability: Monday to Friday from 8:00 - 17:30 hrs and
Saturday from 9:00 - 13:00hrs. You can only pay in cash (Peruvian currency)
2.- In our offices in Cusco located on Av. La Cultura Condomio Huáscar (Huascar Building) No. 238. You can
book and pay in cash or with any card Visa. Hours of availability: Monday to Friday 8:00 - 16:00 p.m. and
Saturday 8:00 - 12 noon. Close on national holidays.
3.- In Aguas Calientes at the office Centro Cultural Machupicchu located a few steps from the Main Square
(Plaza de Aguas Calientes). Hours of availability Monday - Sunday 5:30 - 21:00hrs every day including holidays.
You can ONLY pay in cash (Peruvian currency)
Only Visa (Any bank in the World).
1.- The AATC (Association of voyages and travel agencies) located on Calle Nueva Baja N º 424, Cusco -
Peru Phone: (084) 22-2580. Hours of availability: Monday to Friday from 9:00 - 16:00hrs.
2.- DIRCETUR (regional direction of trade and tourism) located on Portal de Mantas 117-A, a 50 mts. to the
main square (Plaza de Armas)
When you have paid the reservation Click on CHECK IN and enter the reservation code and print the tickets.关于境外网上支付:
2、境外网上支付,需要提供你的卡号/名字/卡片有效期/CVV, 其中CVV是指你卡片背面签名条那里的3个数字请注意保护好这个东西。
5、大部分情况下境外网上支付/3D验证 2项功能是否开通以及你信用卡的品牌是你是否能成功付款的主要原因,跟国内发卡银行毫无关系。