来回程是马航在吉隆坡中转,回程计划在马来玩6天,所以申请了单次签证。但突然发现这样的话去程就不能办理过境签了,然而去程转机时间长,父母年纪大了,得找个酒店休息一晚。所以求问不入境可以住酒店吗? 找到了一家 Sama Sama Express KL International Airport可以不入境入住。
http://www.samasamaexpress.com/default.aspx?pg=location The Sama Sama Express Hotel is conveniently located in the Satellite Building adjacent to Gate C5 at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Hotel guests do not need to clear Malaysian Customs and Immigration if they are on a layover between flights.
来回程是马航在吉隆坡中转,回程计划在马来玩6天,所以申请了单次签证。但突然发现这样的话去程就不能办理过境签了,然而去程转机时间长,父母年纪大了,得找个酒店休息一晚。所以求问不入境可以住酒店吗? 找到了一家 Sama Sama Express KL International Airport可以不入境入住。
The Sama Sama Express Hotel is conveniently located in the Satellite Building adjacent to Gate C5 at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Hotel guests do not need to clear Malaysian Customs and Immigration if they are on a layover between flights.