Valid Mon-Fr from 9 am and from 12 am on Sat, Sun and public holidays. Valid for any number of journeys on the day of validity, no matter the connection indicated】.,写着是拜仁州票,可是它的时间限制却是早上9点到12点,据我所知拜仁州票不是应该到次日凌晨3点乘坐任意州内交通的吗?接下来它下面又有一个拜仁票,是31.6欧元的【Bayern-Böhmen-Ticket
Valid on Mondays to Friday from 09:00, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays throughout Bavaria from 00:00 until 03:00 the following day. Valid for unlimited journeys on the day of validity on all local trains within Bavaria and on legs of journeys on routes in the border areas of the Czech Republic】.,却写着可以在周一-周五,周六日节假日9点到凌晨3点任意班次使用。所以有点搞不懂了,到底要选哪个?拜仁州票双人不是28欧吗?难道现在涨价了?还是DB订票拜仁州票要额外再加手续费?还是我理解错了?希望有达人能够回答啊。。。
2. 后一个票是拜仁波西米亚州票,可以用到捷克的Plzen。
3. 州票你直接到火车站的自动售票机上买就行了,不需要提前在网上购票的。