去福森、天鹅堡的车次在德铁官网查http://www.bahn.de/i/view/GBR/en/index.shtml 但是现在好像出不了2016年的,等到12月看看吧,现在可以查最近一个月的做参考。但是1月1日是周五,不是周末, The ticket is valid Monday through Friday for one day of your choice from 9 am until 3 am on the following day or for an entire day on Saturday, Sunday and on Bavaria-wide public holidays as well as on August 15 (Assumption) from midnight until 3 am on the following day. 不知道1月1日算不算Bavaria-wide public holidays呢?天鹅堡虽然不开门,不过你这样有点赶,不如当天在慕尼黑逛逛休整下,第二天去天鹅堡,不就也能进去了
The ticket is valid Monday through Friday for one day of your choice from 9 am until 3 am on the following day or for an entire day on Saturday, Sunday and on Bavaria-wide public holidays as well as on August 15 (Assumption) from midnight until 3 am on the following day.
不知道1月1日算不算Bavaria-wide public holidays呢?天鹅堡虽然不开门,不过你这样有点赶,不如当天在慕尼黑逛逛休整下,第二天去天鹅堡,不就也能进去了