我在国内已经买好了Swiss Pass,先到
在意铁网站购国际票时,发现在“Select your fare”里有多种选项,貌似“GA Switzerland”对Swiss Pass持有者有优惠。但查看其条款又产生了疑问:
GA Switzerland
Fare available only for the Italy-Switzerland services that can be bought by holders of the Swiss general discount ticket, Swiss Pass, Swiss Flexi Pass, Swiss Card, Swiss Transfer ticket or the Arcobaleno travelcard, limited to the Italy-Ticino Canton services or return.
GA Switzerland 2
Fare available only for the Italy-Switzerland services, available for purchase by the holders of Swiss general discount ticket, Swiss Pass, Swiss Flexi Pass, Swiss Card, Swiss Transfer ticket or the Arcobaleno travelcard, limited to the Italy-Ticino Canton services or return. Available for purchase also by the holders of Railplus Card, Carta Verde or Carta Argento.
1. 这两种票是不是只能买到
瑞士Ticino Canton地区?而我去的Brig能适用吗?
2. 如果去Brig不能适用,为什么买去Brig的票,照样可以选这种票呢?
3. 对于SP持有者,这两种好像没区别,但折扣却不一样。
4. 如果可以买,那么SP是否需要先开通呢?
这句红字怎么理解啊?到底是指Arcobaleno travelcar,还是说以上各种卡都有这个限制啊?
有没有人买过GA Switzerland 2的票,证明到非Ticino Canton地区也可行呢?