可以免签,详见:http://bbs.qyer.com/viewthread.php?tid=298092 邮轮途径土耳其(起始和终点不是土耳其)可获最多72小时免签,但是需要当地海关批准。上船收护照,就是cruise的人替你去搞定当地海关人员,给你办免签的。For cruise passengers: Those cruise passengers coming to a Turkish port of call by a cruise ship and thereafter leave Turkey by the same cruise ship for another country, are exempt from visa for a maximum period of 72 hours (with the permission given by the local security authorities).http://www.konsolosluk.gov.tr/ct/en/Tourist_Visas.aspx
The passengers of cruise ships are allowed to enter and stay overnight in the port cities of Turkey upon the permission given by local border police authorities. These passengers are not required to obtain an entry visa to Turkey.
邮轮途径土耳其(起始和终点不是土耳其)可获最多72小时免签,但是需要当地海关批准。上船收护照,就是cruise的人替你去搞定当地海关人员,给你办免签的。For cruise passengers: Those cruise passengers coming
to a Turkish port of call by a cruise ship and thereafter leave Turkey by the
same cruise ship for another country, are exempt from visa for a maximum period
of 72 hours (with the permission given by the local security authorities).http://www.konsolosluk.gov.tr/ct/en/Tourist_Visas.aspx
我要订的邮轮, 的确要在伊斯坦布尔停留2天1夜, 要是还需要土耳其签证, 那可麻烦了 ”
The passengers of cruise ships are allowed to enter and stay overnight in the port cities of Turkey upon the permission given by local border police authorities. These passengers are not required to obtain an entry visa to Turkey.
咨询过 邮轮公司,说过境一个港口,不过夜 不需要签证。
这个是在一个港口停一天,在伊斯坦布尔 停留2天1夜,必须要多次进入的签证。 ”
这是指要多次进入欧盟的签证, 对吧? 不是指土耳其的多次入境签证吧?
这个是在一个港口停一天,在伊斯坦布尔 停留2天1夜,必须要多次进入的签证。