罗马机场取车,现在问题来了,看到好多人反馈Locauto这个公司只支持国际驾照租车,我就因此电话了rentalcars客服,得到的答复是应该可以,还给我发了他们公司的关于这家公司的租车要求。 . Alamo/ Locauto/Enterprise – the national license must be fully translated by an embassy or by an equivalent authority and must be readable in latin characters. The photo is mandatory and must be accompanied by a document of identity always readable in latin characters where the home address is indicated. The national license, the translation and the passport must be under and same name and must produced at the same time. 看着好像是大使馆公证件或者公证处公证件就可以,但是看到网上的部分网友遭遇又很纠结,有过经验的能来聊下么