Hi; I am in the same situation, can you let me know what happens at last???
I don't know without the carte de sejour, can we visit other Schengen countries???? Any one knows???????? I am so helpless here, different people say different things. Please please help!!!引用 “
I don't know without the carte de sejour, can we visit other Schengen countries???? Any one knows???????? I am so helpless here, different people say different things. Please please help!!!引用 “
今天又问了一次大使馆,然后终于确定像我这种签证就不需要再去申请居留证了,不然时间上也太不科学了,至于楼上妹妹的签证,可能要看具体是哪一种了吧?个人觉得,如果对自己的签证有疑问,最好是问给你发签证的机关了,他们最有解释的权利,而且最准确,因为护照有很多种,具体情况也不一样,不能所有的一概而论啦,但是斑竹的指点还是非常及时和有用的,谢谢啦 ”