Further to your e-mail dated june 16th, we would like to inform you that you can come to the Consulate to present your visa’s application anytime from 09 AM to 11 AM, july 17th, 2008. This is the earliest appointment we can arrange for you.
Please print this sheet and take it with you to the Consulate, because we need it to confirm your appointment time.
Please find enclosed the Application Form, Requirements for the Visa and Requirements for photography. You should print the Application Form on both sides of the same paper. We need 2 photocopies of the Application Form. Photos must be stuck on all of the 2 folios.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Further to your e-mail dated june 16th, we would like to inform you that you can come to the Consulate to present your visa’s application anytime from 09 AM to 11 AM, july 17th, 2008. This is the earliest appointment we can arrange for you.
Please print this sheet and take it with you to the Consulate, because we need it to confirm your appointment time.
Please find enclosed the Application Form, Requirements for the Visa and Requirements for photography. You should print the Application Form on both sides of the same paper. We need 2 photocopies of the Application Form. Photos must be stuck on all of the 2 folios.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Consulate General of Spain in Shanghai
TEL: 0086 21 6321 3543 Ext. 209,212 (Dep. Visa)
Fax: 0086 21 6321 1726
E-mail: spconsul@sh163.net
Direction: Room 303, 12 Zhong Shan Dong Yi Road,
200002—Shanghai, P. R. China
申 请 旅 游 签 证 所 需 要 的 材 料
1. 护照原件及复印件。至少还有6个月的有效期。如果是持有中国政府机构颁发的居留许可的非中国籍公民,需注意无论是护照还是签证或者居留许可都必须在回中国后还至少有三个月以上的有效期。
2. 身份证及户口本。原件和清晰的复印件。
3. 2张近期证件照及正确填写的申请表格,必须附上申请人的联络电话。一份原件及一份正反面在同一张纸上的复印件,贴好2张照片。
4. 申请人所在公司致领事馆的证明信,必须是西班牙文或者英文的原件,信中需要写明申请人的姓名,护照号码,任职时间,职位,每月收入总额,到西班牙旅游日期及逗留时间。单位负责人在信上签名并加盖公司的公章,同时需注明公司地址,传真号码及联系电话。
5. 申请人最近12个月的银行出入账明细(正本+一份复印件)。此外,申请人可以附上其认为有必要的相关文件来证明本人的经济实力,例如产权证等。
6. 个人国际旅行医疗保险单。保额不低于三万欧元(三十万人民币)。原件及一份复印件。
7. 机票定位单据
8. 将要入住所有旅馆的预定单据
1. 签证申请必须凭预约由本人亲自提交。
2. 签证结果至少十个工作日后本人亲自来领取,不通过传真、电子邮件或电话的方式通知。
3. 在查阅过签证申请材料之后,本领事馆有可能要求提供其他有必要的材料。也可能要求申请人进行面试。
4. 通过传真或邮件发送的申请材料不予接受,只能通过窗口递送材料。
5. 发现有提供假材料的情况,将会通报相关的部门机构。