曼谷的单程票,用的招商银行VISA信用卡付款的,最后交易结束提示扣款了印尼盾1361400,但一直没收到系统发来带确认号的邮件,我在官网订单查询地方输入信息后查到了我之前的订单,但是没有E-TICKET NUMBER,也就是说这个票是没有出票,订单没有成功是吗?我后又发邮件给客服,客服回复内容如下:
“We would like to inform you that for online reservation we could not accept overseas credit cards, our suggest that you could make a reservation via our call center and purchase the ticket in cash at our office before your departure date due to impossible for you to book the flight over this email.
We would like to inform tou that for FF number is Batik Air Frequent Flyer member, E-ticket number is 99021-. This your reservation details is unsuccessful payment.“