The traveler will be provided with a CBP admission stamp on their travel document. If a traveler needs a copy of their I-94 (record of admission) for verification of alien registration, immigration status or employment authorization, it can be obtained from. 因为I-94是在你入境美国时才会给你的,所以不需要你事先填写(除非你需要的是I-94W)其实说白了就是现在使用一个盖在你护照上的章来说明允许你停留的日期和停留的目的,用来代替以前的小白卡。 美国边检是这样说的:Travelers will not need to do anything differently。 也就是对游客来说没有什么不同。如果你需要纸质的小白卡,或者需要获悉你的I-94的号码,可以到之前我给的那个连接去查询。 详情可以看
The traveler will be provided with a CBP admission stamp on their travel document. If a traveler needs a copy of their I-94 (record of admission) for verification of alien registration, immigration status or employment authorization, it can be obtained from.
美国边检是这样说的:Travelers will not need to do anything differently。