各位大侠,我在Naked Bus网站上发现这个
皇后镇和Milford Sound峡湾之间的一日游活动,可否请熟悉路线的看看是否靠谱,会不会很累?(我不打算自驾,所以出行全靠飞机和大巴,而且在南岛只能呆上四五天,所以得急功近利的玩儿。如果大家觉得这个一日游甚靠谱,我就出手预订了!)提前感谢大家!
皇后镇出发,坐大巴向南开,经过Lake Wakatipu, The Remarkables Range, 转向西开,在Te Anau停留半小时吃点东西,之后奔向峡湾,中途停留几次拍照,转向北沿着Lake Te Anau开,路过Fiordland国家公园,开呀开的就到了Milford Sound峡湾,此时为下午一点。然后登船赏峡湾,一个小时四十五分钟。之后返程,在Te Anau再停二
Prices start at only $87 for this amazing full-day bus & boat tour!
starts in Queenstown at 6.50am
Lake Wakatipu
Te Anau village
Lake Te Anau
Homer Tunnel
Milford Sound
1hr 45 mins cruise on Milford Sound (included!)
Returns to Queenstown approx 7.15pm
Depart Queenstown at 6.50am by Coach for Milford Sound. We head south through breathtaking scenery along Lake Wakatipu, and past the The Remarkables Range.
Then to high country pastures surrounded by mountains followed by beautiful farm country plains. Heading west towards the mountains and Te Anau we pass through some of New Zealand most scenic farm country. Around us are clear streams & rivers, world famous for their trout fishing.
We stop at Te Anau for refreshments (price not included), overlooking Fiordland National Park for approx. 30 minutes. We then begin our trip to Milford, stopping several times for photo opportunities!
We travel north alongside Lake Te Anau entering The Fiordland National Park World Heritage area. This park has some of the most spectacular and memorable scenery in the world.
Then into beech forests, past tranquil lakes and crystal clear rivers as we climb steadily into the very heart of the mountains. Passing through mist covered valleys, carved out by rock and ice to reach the Homer Tunnel, the gateway to Milford Sound is through a huge mountain. Starting our descent into Milford Sound we travel from cloud capped forest peaks into the subtropical west coast valleys of Milford Sound. We arrive at Milford Sound at approximately 1pm.
We then embark on a 1hr 45 minute cruise of the Milford Sound before leaving for Queenstown at approx. 2.45pm. We stop at Te Anau again for 20 minutes or so on the way back, and arrive back in Queenstown at 7.15pm.
You will travel on a 5 Star Coach with
reclining seats
glass roof for panoramic viewing
and DVD player.
地址在这里 http://nakedbus.com/milford-sound/
一是他们能来酒店接,不过NAKED BUS的上车点很好找就在I-SITE边上很方便,
二是车的唯一区别就是他们的车座位是后面比前面高,NAKED BUS的车也很不错,五星的,车顶也是透明的,其他偶们和REAL一点没区别,船和REAL一样的,船票也没区别,停的地方也很多,有的地方偶们停了拍照,REAL还没停,而且司机伯伯很负责,每次上车都要点人数,人不齐还会下去找。不过定的时候NAKED BUS很会搞紧张,价格会变,前一秒看的时候是137,过一秒就变147,还好偶们没理他,过了5分钟又变137了
如果有特价,如果行程已经确定,可以早订,否则可以在出发前订,或者到了皇后镇后订。 ”
到当地订的话一定要自己上他家网站上订,而且很有可能掉链子---我们就是在当地找了网吧 结果一直预订不成功.打投币电话想预订,NAKEBUS说原来的价格现已不适用.(原来网站公布是$137/我们在QST登陆上去一看成$147了,电话打过去则说是$157)
这是我们在QST遇到的实际情况. 后来只好另选一家叫Peak....什么的.($165/人)
我是从Te Anau出发跟了一个十人的小团去,回Te Anau的路上车子停在The Divide两个多小时,去爬了Key Summit (which is one part of the Routeburn Track),山上的风景可以参考以下链接
NAKED BUS 预定米佛一日游要先扣信用卡的钱吗?到达QUEENSTOWN的前一天晚上订还能订的到吗?还是现在就订啊?
2. 时间短的话 自助旅游的整体费用分摊开来算比团组游贵很多。