2月中旬去伦敦Bateman's Building那个VFS递签的,今早收到,
行程是 4月初和5月初,MULTI的
结果给的是 3.30 - 4.30 MULTI的。。。 郁闷 机票住宿都白订了
只有个总机的电话号码 ( http://www.maec.es/subwebs/Consulados/Londres/en/MenuPpal/Informacion%20y%20vinculos%20de%20interes/Direcciones%20y%20telefonos/Paginas/embassyconsulates_addresses.aspx )
问下大家有申根的申诉改签之类的吗? 可以改不?
many many thanks
Whenever the diplomatic missions and consular offices decide to refuse a visa, the applicant must be always notified. However they are under no obligation to provide reasons for the refusal, except in the case of visas for family reunification or for work for third parties.
You may appeal the refusal of a visa either by means of a request for reconsideration from the same diplomatic mission or consular office with one month, or by requesting a judicial review before the Supreme Court in Madrid, within two months.
The purpose of the visit and/or length of stay cannot be altered once the visa has been issued. Please check carefully when collecting passports that the visas are correct, any printing errors or omissions may affect the intended stay within the Schengen area.
我觉得如果你的材料是到5月份的话 给她们打电话或者直接去找她们说清楚应该是有机会给你重新弄一下签证的