【求问】关于威尼斯的Rolling Venice Card
官网上说有了Rolling Venice Card以后:
Rolling Venice allows you discount on city transports too!!the 72-hours ACTV ticket valid on all the Venice, Mestre and Lido water and road transportation lines (with the only exclusion of the lines from and to the Airport Marco Polo) can be purchased at € 20,00 instead of € 35,00. 这个很划算,但是请问如果有欧盟国家的学生证或者国际学生证(ISIC), 还需要买这个Rolling Venice Card才能得到折扣吗?而且没有看到能够网上购买这个
Rolling Venice Card,官网上只看到有普通的12h\24h\72h等的交通卡,那只能到了威尼斯圣卢西亚火车站下车后再买了么?