根据加拿大权威部门的回复: All driver's licenses’ and other documents not in English must be accompanied by a written notarized translation, or be accompanied byan official International Driver's Permit (IDP). In most cases the IDP is less expensive to obtain, but if you cannot find an office that provides them, a written translation will suffice. 由于中国未加入国际道路交通公约,所以中国驾照不能申请到正规的国际驾照。中国人到加拿大租车自驾,需要携带本人身份证原件、护照原件和驾照原件前往您所在地的公证处办理一份驾照的英文翻译公证件(有些地区需要同时携带本人户口本),拿到英文公证件以后,就可以在加拿大租车自驾了。
All driver's licenses’ and other documents not in English must be accompanied by a written notarized translation, or be accompanied byan official International Driver's Permit (IDP). In most cases the IDP is less expensive to obtain, but if you cannot find an office that provides them, a written translation will suffice.