Payment by credit card You can conveniently pay for tickets and reservations using your credit card. This involves entering the number of your credit card, its expiry date and, if need be, the check number in the relevant fields in the Booking dialogue window. We accept the following credit cards: VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Diners Club. Payment by direct debit To pay for tickets and reservations by direct debit on the Internet, you first have to sign up for direct debiting and have the process activated. You will find the link to sign up under “Managing my data/ Registering for further services” in your personal user account. Enter all the relevant details and fax the signed direct debit form to our Service Centre. Please note that both your own place of abode and the domicile of your bank must be in Germany. Payment by PayPal For this for free payment option you just need a log-in for PayPal which you can request for the first time during the Booking process.
Payment by credit card
You can conveniently pay for tickets and reservations using your credit card. This involves entering the number of your credit card, its expiry date and, if need be, the check number in the relevant fields in the Booking dialogue window.
We accept the following credit cards: VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Diners Club.
Payment by direct debit
To pay for tickets and reservations by direct debit on the Internet, you first have to sign up for direct debiting and have the process activated. You will find the link to sign up under “Managing my data/ Registering for further services” in your personal user account. Enter all the relevant details and fax the signed direct debit form to our Service Centre. Please note that both your own place of abode and the domicile of your bank must be in Germany.
Payment by PayPal
For this for free payment option you just need a log-in for PayPal which you can request for the first time during the Booking process.