去奥利洪岛的小巴是早上10点出发,也就是说你要在1个半小时内完成清关,到市区找到指定地点乘车。我不确定你是否赶得上,看其他人的攻略据说俄国人效率很低,清关要花很长时间。我是23号到那边,如果没其他人回答的话,等我到那边之后再补充回答。 http://www.olkhon.info/zh/kak-dobratsya-2/kak-dobratsya.html尼基塔的官网上有提供预定班车的信息,发邮件预定,当时我联系了transport.excursions.hotels@gmail.com,他们发了个paypal的链接给我付款,我觉得太麻烦了就没用。准备到时候到那边让酒店帮忙预定, 以下是他们回复的邮件We can book 2 places in a minibus from Irkutsk to Khuzhir (Olkhon) for the 23.01.2016.It starts at 10 a.m. Now we do not know if there will be 1 bus or 2. It depends on the ice and weather conditions.It will cost 150 rub. prepayment for Booking (you can pay by PayPal system) 800 rub you will pay to the driver in the minibus. It is per 1 place 2 places 150*2=300 rub prepayment for Booking (you can pay by PayPal system) 也就是说你要付150卢布/人的预付金,另外到那边之后再付800卢布/人给司机 800*2=1600 rub you will pay to the driver in the minibusYou can come to the bus station.下面是坐车的地址,你可以输入2GIS查地址The minibus will be staying opposite the main doors of the bus station, which address isSt. 11, Oktyabrskoy Revolutsii.Next to the café “Master Grill”It is written OLKHON (ОЛЬХОН) on the minibus.In Russian it is : Автовокзал, улица Октябрьской Революции, дом 11.Or we can pick you up from your hostel or hotel.Please, pay the bill, I sent on your e-mail. And we will connect with you to check the details. And you will need to confirm your Booking. Best regards, Karina.
以下是他们回复的邮件We can book 2 places in a minibus from Irkutsk to Khuzhir (Olkhon) for the 23.01.2016.It starts at 10 a.m. Now we do not know if there will be 1 bus or 2. It depends on the ice and weather conditions.It will cost 150 rub. prepayment for Booking (you can pay by PayPal system)
800 rub you will pay to the driver in the minibus. It is per 1 place 2 places 150*2=300 rub prepayment for Booking (you can pay by PayPal system) 也就是说你要付150卢布/人的预付金,另外到那边之后再付800卢布/人给司机
800*2=1600 rub you will pay to the driver in the minibusYou can come to the bus station.下面是坐车的地址,你可以输入2GIS查地址The minibus will be staying opposite the main doors of the bus station, which address isSt. 11, Oktyabrskoy Revolutsii.Next to the café “Master Grill”It is written OLKHON (ОЛЬХОН) on the minibus.In Russian it is : Автовокзал, улица Октябрьской Революции, дом 11.Or we can pick you up from your hostel or hotel.Please, pay the bill, I sent on your e-mail. And we will connect with you to check the details. And you will need to confirm your Booking.
Best regards, Karina.