汉密尔顿岛。我还用招行的卡订了另外两张机票,他们都发来了邮件,应该没问题吧,就这个澳洲航空没有发来邮件,我查了下听说航空公司都还没有来结款,真是烦人,以前用建行的卡订票,从来不用担心。We refer to your Internet reservation reference as above and advise that we have been unable
to ticket this
Booking as the credit card you entered for payment has been declined.
As payment for these
Bookings is required at time of purchase, if contact is not made within 72 hours your
Booking will be cancelled.
Qantas uses a computer-automated system to verify credit card information and to seek authorisation for purchases.
Failure to receive authorisation can be the result of many factors. We cannot speculate as to why we did not receive
authorisation in the case of your
Booking. We are given notification only as to whether or not a purchase is authorised.
Please call Qantas Telesales to avoid cancellation.