问题1:在Income and Expenditure一栏中Do you have savings, properties or other income, for example from stocks and shares? 如果有定期存款savings 10万是否填Yes ?但一旦填yes后,系统会提示输入每月总收入来源的详情填写,如Total Monthly Income From Savings and Investments 这该怎么填? 如果填10万的话,又不符合它的要求的每月总收入来源这一条件,有点让人费解
问题2:在填写以下几个问题时感觉问题有点混乱,有哪位高人帮忙指点一下这几个问题的内在逻辑关系是什么1、How much do you spend each month on living costs? 这是指国内还是国外的每月生活费用?包不包括房租?2、How much of your total monthly income is given to your family members and other dependants? 3、What is the cost to you personally of your trip in GBP(£)? 是指个人到
英国学习的所用费用(包括吃住交通)吗?4、The total amount of money you have for this trip 个人可支配的金额 5、The cost of the aeroplane, boat or train tickets 是否指往返交通费用?6、The cost of your accommodation 是指在