I am not satisfied that you would return to China following the stated length of your visit and would seek to remain in the UK to stay with her.
I do not find it credible that, given your decision to now marry, you would leave such a stable position to spend 5 months abroad without any evidence of procuring a further position on return. I also note that you have a zero bank balance.
I am not satisfied as to your intentions in wishing to travel to the UK now. I am not satisfied that you genuinelyintend a short visit only to the UK and that you will leave the UK at the end of the visit. Furthermore, I am not satisfied that you will be maintain and accommodate yourself adequately in the UK or meet the costs of your return or onward journey from the UK
1. zero bank balance的问题是多笔定期存款到期了,然后取出来,银行流水显示的是变成0了,早知道不打定期的好了,然后我开了个18w的存款证明
2. 我俩的计划是我先去visit半年,然后圣诞节一起回来,见家长,领结婚证,然后办dependant