车损盗抢险:Loss Damage Waiver,缩写LDW,
保险:Personal Accident Insurance简称PAI,
车内财物盗窃险:Personal Effects Insurance简称PEI,
补充第三者责任险: Additional Liability,Insurance缩写ALI
Cdw-allocated Inclusive
Ep-extended Protection
请问我是不是被携程坑了 = =!
Extended ProtectionThe purchase of Extended Protection (EP) is optional and not required in order to rent a vehicle.
This is a summary only and is subject to all provisions, limitations, exceptions and exclusions of the SLP policy. Upon request, a copy of the policy is available for review. SLP may provide a duplication of coverage already furnished under a personal insurance policy or some other source. Owner’s employees, agents or endorsees are not qualified to evaluate the adequacy of renter’s existing coverage.
Optional EP provides you with minimum financial responsibility limits (at no charge to you) as outlined in the applicable motor vehicle financial responsibility laws of the state where the vehicle is operated AND excess insurance provided by the insurance policy. This supplies you and any authorized drivers with third-party liability protection with a combined single limit per accident equal to the difference between the minimum financial responsibility limits referenced above and $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit per accident. SLP will respond to third party accident claims that result from bodily injury, including death, and property damage that arise from the use or operation of the vehicle as permitted in the Rental Agreement. The policy does not provide coverage for any loss arising from the use or operation of Vehicle in Mexico.