The decision
I have refused your application for a visit visa because i am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of paragraph(S)V 4.12 , of Appendix V:immigration Rules for visitors bscause:
You have applied for a leave to enter to visit the UK for 12 days for tourism.
In considering your application , i have certain responsibilities regarding child welfare arising from Section 55 of the Borders Citienship and immigration Act. I must be satisfied with the rtavel ,reception and care arrangements for you . I also need to be satisfied that your welfare needs are still met once you are in the UK. In deciding to refuse your application , i have noted the following :
You are applying to travel to the UK, with your mother LUO QIHUI ,and reside in the UK for 12 days . As you are under 18 years of age you are required to provide written consent from both your parents that they have consented to your travel to ,reception and care in the UK.