There is no compulsory rule that temporary visa application must be fully translated. You may refer to A13.5 in the attached Immigration Instruction.
A13.5 Translations
b. Applicants must provide a certified translation for all police certificates and medical
certificates not written in English which are provided in support of an application for a
temporary entry class visa.
c. If requested by an immigration officer, applicants must provide a certified translation for any other documents not written in English and provided in support of an application for a temporary entry class visa.
d. Immigration officers may translate documents where they have the appropriate language skills.
e. Translations must:
i not be prepared by an applicant, any member of their family or an immigration adviser assisting with the application; and
ii be accompanied by the original documents or certified copies; and
iii be paid for by the applicant; and
iv be certified as a correct translation made by a person familiar with both languages and competent in translation work; and
v bear the stamp or signature of the translator or translation business; and
vi if applicable, be on the official letterhead of the translation business.
Translations may be prepared by:
i the Translation Service of the Department of Internal Affairs, or
ii reputable people within the community who are known to translate documents
accurately, with the exception of those listed in A13.5(d)(i) or
iii embassies or high commissions (if the translation is endorsed with the appropriate embassy or high commission seal), or
iv any other private or official translation business.
An immigration officer may request a translation:
i of the complete document where the translation is of a selected part(s) of the
document, and/or
ii by a different (specified) translation service where they are not satisfied by the initial translation.
Note: If a translation by a different (specified) translation service is requested the reason(s) behind the request must be clearly documented and conveyed to the applicant by INZ.
There is no compulsory rule that temporary visa application must be fully translated. You may refer to A13.5 in the attached Immigration Instruction.
A13.5 Translations
b. Applicants must provide a certified translation for all police certificates and medical
certificates not written in English which are provided in support of an application for a
temporary entry class visa.
c. If requested by an immigration officer, applicants must provide a certified translation for any other documents not written in English and provided in support of an application for a temporary entry class visa.
d. Immigration officers may translate documents where they have the appropriate language skills.
e. Translations must:
i not be prepared by an applicant, any member of their family or an immigration adviser assisting with the application; and
ii be accompanied by the original documents or certified copies; and
iii be paid for by the applicant; and
iv be certified as a correct translation made by a person familiar with both languages and competent in translation work; and
v bear the stamp or signature of the translator or translation business; and
vi if applicable, be on the official letterhead of the translation business.
Translations may be prepared by:
i the Translation Service of the Department of Internal Affairs, or
ii reputable people within the community who are known to translate documents
accurately, with the exception of those listed in A13.5(d)(i) or
iii embassies or high commissions (if the translation is endorsed with the appropriate embassy or high commission seal), or
iv any other private or official translation business.
An immigration officer may request a translation:
i of the complete document where the translation is of a selected part(s) of the
document, and/or
ii by a different (specified) translation service where they are not satisfied by the initial translation.
Note: If a translation by a different (specified) translation service is requested the reason(s) behind the request must be clearly documented and conveyed to the applicant by INZ.
10. 本司页面所展示的办理时长为参考时间,具体时间由使馆决定。请您切勿提前预订机票和酒店,以免因签证问题产生费用损失,否则损失将由您自行承担。
了解更多请戳: 成都/重庆直飞悉尼/墨尔本/奥克兰4-30天含税机票(优惠购签证/代订酒店/全国联运) [拒签全退]深圳直飞奥克兰/凯恩斯/布里斯班5-30天往返含税机票(优惠购签证/代订酒店/五星海航/全国联运) [拒签全退]北京直飞悉尼/墨尔本/布里斯班/奥克兰7-30天机票(赠澳大利亚或新西兰签证/可代订酒店/双人起订) [拒签全退]北京/天津往返悉尼/墨尔本/布里斯班/珀斯/阿德莱德/奥克兰/基督城5-30天含税机票(优惠购签证/代订酒店)更多产品,请戳: